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Why Equip?

Equip is a great way to supplement your ministry experience with practical training that can be applied in a broad range of contexts.
Balancing day-to-day ministry work with this classroom experience creates a chance to grow your ministry skills while keeping the focus on the experiential element of ministry training.
Plus you'll have a cohort of other trainees to pray with, share your joys and struggles in ministry, and enjoy fellowship together

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Image by Headway

What to expect

In Equip, you’ll spend half a day per week gathering with other ministry trainees from across Melbourne in Carlton to reflect on your own ministry and learn the foundations of ministry leadership.

Our units include biblical theology, evangelism, teaching the Bible and more.

You’ll spend time hearing from other ministry trainees about their experiences, praying for one another and developing supportive friendships for a lifetime of ministry.

You’ll hear from a range of guest speakers and teachers, as well as Equip Director Rob Miller. Learn more about Rob here.
Equip runs during University semesters.




The training I've received at Equip has really helped in doing things like preparing Old Testament bible studies, being a better mentor and overall improving my grasp of scripture.



 In addition to getting great input from a variety of different teachers, it’s been really valuable for me to have a cohort of other trainees to learn together with and to pray together with each week.



Equip has been great for easing myself into thinking deeply about the bible and how to practically apply it in my traineeship each day. Equip has also been a fantastic way of getting to know other trainees, and forming ministry friendships that I know will last beyond our time at Equip.

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